I always love seeing progress on the new section of the freeway, so here are a couple of quickie snaps I took while I was out that way.
This is the new bridge they’re building at the Fairview interchange. Unlike at Hwy 50, where the freeway went over the road, here the road is going over the freeway. The roadbed is being prepared to take asphalt, so they can start routing Fairview over the bridge instead of around the temporary shoo-fly to the left.
A look under the bridge. The quickest way for them to build a bridge like this is to pour the support columns, then fill dirt all the way up to where the bottom of the roadway is going to be. Then they can set up forms and pour concrete right on the dirt without needing any kind of elaborate scaffolding and support. So all that is finished, and now they have to dig out the dirt underneath the bridge to reveal the brand new overpass. Once Fairview traffic is going over the bridge, they’ll finally be able to start on the actual roadbed of the freeway itself.