plan:b Micro Lounge

We swung by B’Sghetti’s tonight for dinner, as we do once or twice a month. But this time we noticed something a little different. B’Sghetti’s had always had three dining rooms, because of the way the building they’re in is laid out. The main dining room is where we always sit, but on really busy days they open a second room that is up front looking out onto Carson Street. And on really really busy days, there is a third dining room set at the back of the restaurant, sunken down a few feet. I haven’t seen anybody use that room for quite a while now, so more or less it was empty space that they could use for just about anything.

So tonight when we went in, we noticed that the third dining room has been transformed into a nightclub, the plan:b micro lounge (website and MySpace). Black leather couches curve around the perimeter of the room, with a wooden dance floor in the middle. Everything is lit with blacklight throughout. And the lounge is conveniently located right next to B’Sghetti’s bar, of course.

Fuzzy cell phone pic

plan:b opens every Friday and Saturday night at 10pm. It seems like they’re trying to inject a little nightlife into a downtown Carson that’s mostly dead after dark, except for the casinos. I think this is just the kind of thing downtown needs. So let’s get the word out.

The dress code

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