* Glenn Lucky proved that the amount of ass he can kick knows no bounds as he pulled a semi truck 100 feet on Saturday afternoon. His next trick is to fly around the world backwards until time reverses itself.
* I’m not necessarily saying that any of you want to see the pictures of the state worker who posed in Playboy, so I’m not necessarily saying that you can find them at this link.
* The votes are running at about 63% against squeezing 75 houses onto a tiny little lot in South Carson.
* Did I miss something? A letter to the editor says, “If we are willing, there might be a chance to expand Fuji Park. The casino planned for the Bodine’s property next door has apparently fallen through.” Has the deal really fallen through? I just thought the developer was following the Ormsby House strategy and stretching out the construction as long as possible. But it wouldn’t be the first time I was out of the loop. I guess I really should start reading the paper every day.
* The C is back after being painted orange and black by Douglas High kids.
* Computer Corps is where I got my start working on PCs. And it’s good to see they’re still going strong. But I still think they should have let me build their website.
* Have a good week. And watch out. The ghost of John Wayne saw you click on that Playboy link.
I want to know how you, not necessarily, found that link to the state worker so quickly!