A visitor posted some history stuff in the forums the other day that I thought should be brought to the front page. David Bugli is the conductor of the Carson City Symphony, and he wrote:
I have been doing some research on J.P. Meder, a composer who lived in Carson City from 1864 through 1908 (the year of his death). I was interested to see the picture you posted on the Carson City Opera House. Meder was the General Manager of it for several years, as well as freight agent of the V&T and President of the School Board (until his death). It is interesting that you also make mention of old school on Minnesota Street (which B.H. Meder, his father, was instrumental in building), and the next big school, built north of the BAC (which JPM probably had a hand in, as President of the School Board). My research on these two men, their relatives, and other individuals from CC in the latter half of the 19th century continues. However, I have started to post some of the information at my personal website, DavidBugli.com. Just follow the links to the J.P. Meder project.
The Meder family home, built by J.P.’s father Benjamin, is still standing today on Nevada Street.
Thanks for the info, David! History is a big puzzle made up of tiny, tiny little pieces, and the more pieces we can collect on this website the better.