BLM Online Photo Gallery

The BLM has just launched a website with over 60,000 of their images available for download and use, all part of the public domain. The photos are taken from their vast collections, mostly color, some black and white, some older, some newer. For the most part they are photos of the West; Nevada, California, Idaho. Browsing the through the collection I see a lot of landscapes and photos of flowers. There is a group of pictures of Burning Man. Pictures of grazing cattle. And photos from the cultural sites that the BLM manages. For the most part, at least the Nevada pictures are all of rural areas. There’s not a lot of pictures here of town, and the few buildings I’ve seen seem to be deserted shacks.

If you have the patience to comb through an endless pile of pictures of the West, you should check out the collection. Hat tip to Gina Lauer for bringing this to my attention, as well as a story in the Idaho Statesman about it.

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