Curry Street Promenade

Carson Times has a photo gallery of the Curry Street Promenade. Apparently Curry Street is being slowly redeveloped, partly just to make Curry Street look better, but partly to try out a few of the design concepts that the city wants to use on Carson Street after the freeway is finished. What I notice about this Curry Street photo gallery is that many of the improvements are coming from private enterprise, not from the city. There are photos of the Firkin and Fox, and the new Bella Fiore Wines, and the new back patio that Doppelgangers recently completed. This is the way it should be. The city can make the streets and sidewalks look nice, but it’s up to these businesses to make people want to come downtown. And we’re actually seeing some nice stuff happening in that arena. So I’m optimistic for the future of downtown, and maybe by the time the freeway traffic gets off the street, we really will have a downtown worthy of standing on its own.

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