Ormsby House Renovation Photos – July, 2005

In July there wasn’t a whole lot of work done, but what they did do was pretty exciting.

The portecochere is starting to get its final coat of paint.

The back wall of the casino, which had been neglected while they worked on the front and sides, finally started getting some attention. Here you can see they’ve painted the second floor.

And here is someone blasting the wall with water to strip off the old paint. This wall is one of the few on the whole ground floor that stayed intact.

A grey coat of primer went up, and I’m sure it will all be painted before the month of August is over.

But the big news for the month of July came in the last half of the month. That’s when the workers started installing windows on the casino. Finally! Here they’re starting on the second floor after finishing the first.

On this part of the casino they’ve gotten started, but there’s still work to do.

A closeup shows the workers installing the dividers that the panes of glass will sit in.

Here on the bridge the glass had the biggest effect. It really didn’t look like much before, but now with the windows installed you can see the whole design finally coming together.

Now that the bridge is almost finished, Curry Street should finally be reopening soon. Keep your eyes on this space.

This wall, which was just given a fresh coat of stucco a couple of years ago when the Ormsby Club opened, is being worked on again.

The north wall also got its windows installed. Looks like this wall is all done!

Here’s a close up of the windows on the north wall. A few panes of glass are still missing, but I bet they won’t be for long.

That’s it for July. It’s nice to see that they’re starting to work on details, like the window dividers. This makes the Ormsby House look less like a construction site and more like a finished building. The inside is still gutted, though. But with the outside finished, the work crews will be able to move inside and spend all winter building out the hotel rooms, restaurant, and casino floor. The inexorable march to Opening Day continues.

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