1105 S. Carson St
Artist: Bryce Chisholm
During the last weekend of September, 2024, Carson City held its second annual Murals & Music Festival. The first one was held in 2023, and they said at the time that they were hoping to make it an annual thing. And they managed to do the second one this year, so this does have the makings of a continuing thing. As the name implies, there are concerts held around town this weekend to comprise the music part. But the main event is when artists, both local and from around the world, descend on Carson City to paint murals on empty walls around town. I wrote about last year’s festival, and highlighted 12 new murals that had been painted over the weekend. This year, I have photos of 19 new murals! Downtown Carson is getting absolutely covered in murals and it’s great to see. Most of these are large pieces too, taking up an entire wall of a building. If this continues for a few years, we are going to be awash in art everywhere you look.
So let’s take a look at this year’s new murals. A map is available that includes last year’s and this year’s art so you can see where they’re located around town.

1020 N Carson St.
Artist: Bill Louis
This might be one of the most exciting ones. The back wall of Heidi’s Restaurant had a mural on it for years, depicting the old V&T Enginehouse. That mural was painted over a few years ago and I thought it was gone for good. But as part of this year’s festival they brought in an artist to recreate the old mural!
Here’s a photo of the old mural to compare.
Heidi’s mural in 2007 (now painted over)

900 N. Carson St
Artist: Dave Titus

714 N. Curry St
Artist: VAKA

716 N Carson St.
Artist: Cole Eisenhour

600 N Carson St.
Artist: Gregg Deal

Artist: Doomed Movement

1831 N. Carson St
Artist: Jen Charboneau

449 W. King
Artist: Charly Malpass

449 W. King
Artist: Edwin “Esco” Martinez

Artist: Jaimie & Zoe Daniels

Artist: Misstencil

603 S. Carson St
Artist: Joe C. Rock

200 N. Stewart St
Artist: Brooke Brazil

323 N. Stewart St
Artist: Jabi Corte

951 N. Stewart St
Artist: Leire Urbeltz

951 N. Stewart St
Artist: Alex Kaskie

Corner of Spear & Stewart
Artist: Lauren Hufft

851 E. William St
Artist: Erik Burke
I am so happy to see the Round House mural added back to Heidi’s Restaraunt. I think it looks even better than before – but maybe it’s because I’ve missed so much. Congratulations to the painter(s) who painted this mural. It gets my vote for the best of all the murals.