How many of you knew that Reno used to have a theme park? I’m genuinely curious because I’m not sure how popular it ever was. Even though it’s a fairly recent memory, it also feels obscure enough that most people might not know about it. There’s very little info about it online, and I only went once while it was open. I’m not talking about Wild Island, or the carnival rides that were once at Idlewild Park, I’m talking about the Great Basin Adventure.
This small park sat in Rancho San Rafael Park in northwest Reno, next door to the Wilbur D. May Museum. It was a full-fledged theme park with an admission fee, though there was little inside to justify the fee. There was a replica mine building, not quite as detailed as the mine at the Nevada State Museum but along those same lines. There was a petting zoo, a playground, and pony rides. And what might be considered the crown jewel of the park was a log flume ride, just like Disneyland and Six Flags have, where you were sent careening over a waterfall in a fiberglass log.
According to this website, one of the few that has info about the park, the admission fee was $5 for adults and $3.50 for children. For that price you didn’t even get access to the log ride; that was $2 extra. This review mentions a $10 day pass that includes unlimited log rides. And that’s about all the info I can find on the park. It closed down in 2010, when budget cuts left it with no money to operate. I’m not sure when it opened, but the announcement about it closing mentioned that some of the facilities were over 20 years old. So I would suppose that it existed in some form since the 1980s?
The closure was not the end of the Great Basin Adventure, though. Where many closed theme parks are padlocked and left to rot, they went a different route with Great Basin Adventure. Since it was already located in a county park, with grounds and maintenance personnel already on payroll, they decided to remove the admission fee, open the gates to everyone, and only close down the parts of the park that required extra costs to operate. That meant the log ride, pony rides, and petting zoo were shut down. The mine exhibit was padlocked. The landscaping was let go wild. But the playground, walking trails, and picnic facilities have been left open to the public. At some point it was renamed “Nevada Farms and Families.” Nowadays there’s not much evidence of its former life, aside from the eerie abandoned log ride and a few other telltale remnants. Visitors today would see it as an interesting corner of a larger park and little else.
But this post wouldn’t be worth publishing if it stopped there. The most extensive documentation I have of the park is from the one time I visited there, in 2006. That was 4 years before it closed, though I obviously didn’t realize it at the time. I had the foresight to take many pictures, not knowing that one day they would become a historical record. So let’s take a visit to the Great Basin Adventure, accompanied by recent photos showing how much change has happened in the last 12 years.
The Entrance
From the parking lot you can see an immediate difference. There used to be a large sign advertising the Great Basin Adventure, in a manicured flower bed. Now the sign is gone and the flower bed has been allowed to grow. The admission gate/park office still stands, but there’s no real indication what this building is supposed to be, or what sits behind it.
The “entrance” portal no longer advertises itself as an entrance, but it still stands in good shape.
The signs about Rancho San Rafael and the attractions therein are the same, except for the one on the far left that is a map of Great Basin Adventure. That one has been covered up.
A closeup of the old sign from 2006 shows a map of the different sections inside the park.
Another map, found elsewhere in the park, was more detailed and accurate.
The entrance portal has been kept up nicely. The little boy in the green sweater is all grown up now; you’ll see him posing in many of these pictures.
Just inside the entrance, past the admission gates and the gift shop, was a directional sign showing you how to get to the different parts of the park.
This is a good example of how they’ve let nature reclaim parts of this park. This pavilion used to sit overlooking a little pond; now the pond is hidden in the undergrowth and you can hardly see the pavilion at all. It doesn’t look messy, necessarily; some care still seems to be taken to keep it all trimmed. But it’s not as sculpted as it used to be.
Dino Playground
These dinosaurs are still here for kids to play on. To the right are more dinosaurs, and swings and slides. The playground is basically the same.
The Farm
Through this artificial canyon and under the bridge is the way to the Farm area of the park. For the most part they kept the infrastructure of the park intact (with notable exceptions you’ll see later). You can still go both above and below this bridge.
Just past the bridge is the Discovery Room. This room was sort of both a museum and an activity center for children. And it still serves largely the same purpose. Parks and rec staff opens the center sometimes for events under the “Nevada Farms and Families” theme.
The farm area was home to the petting zoo and pony rides. The buildings are still there but the the animals are gone, a victim of budget cuts. On the day I visited they did have turkeys and chickens in coops there, so it’s not completely barren.
The tack room was where the pony rides were located.
“Wilbur’s Farm” has been painted but it is closed and locked up.
The petting zoo is no more, though all the enclosures still remain if they ever feel like bringing it back.
Waterfall and Stream
Across from the farm was this waterfall. Nature has definitely been allowed to take hold here. The waterfall structure still exists but I doubt they pump water through it anymore. And it is slowly being swallowed by the vegetation.
The waterfall is one place where I’d maybe use the word “overgrown”. I felt like I needed a machete to walk down this path.
But the waterfall structure is still a cool little tunnel to walk through. The money they put into building this up as a theme park does show in areas like this. A regular city or county park wouldn’t have an artificial waterfall with sculpted rockwork like this.
The water from the waterfall fed into a small stream that meandered through part of the park. Here there was a bridge that crossed the stream. The bridge has been removed.
If you know what to look for, you can see the bridge abutments still sitting there. If you don’t know about it you might just walk by.
The stream went into a marshy little wetland area, which has also been allowed to grow wild.
Double Diamond Mine
In the photo of the missing bridge above, you may have noticed something else missing in the background. I said that they had left most of the buildings alone, but there is one major exception. The centerpiece of the park, sitting literally in the center of it, was the Double Diamond Mine. As you can see, the mine did not survive.
The mine was one of the first things you saw in the park unless you headed off for the playground or the farm. It was straight ahead from the entrance, with these sweeping trestles heading towards it. You can see that one of the trestles has been removed.
The trestle to the left still exists, as it is how you get to the bridge seen earlier. But in the background you can see another one that has been removed.
The mine was meant to be a replica of a real Nevada mine. The upper floors were just kind of empty and airy, but in the lower levels there were narrow tunnels with scenes of mining activity. There were also a couple of slides between the levels, providing some entertainment for the kids.
I’m not sure why the mine was removed. The other buildings in the park were just locked and still remain today, and many of them are still used for special occasions. Perhaps the security concerns were just too much. They didn’t want people to be able to break into the mine and hide in the dark tunnels and get up to criminal activity. Or something.
I revisited the park in 2010, the first summer after it had stopped being an theme park, and the mine was just boarded up. When I went back again in 2016 it was gone, and seemed like it had been for some time. There were many entrances to the mine, as you’ve been seeing here. This one was in the back near the waterfall.
Like most of the stuff that’s been removed from the park, you’d never really know it was gone if not for a couple of weird little stub paths.
Inside the Mine
Obviously I can’t take any “Now” pictures of the inside of the mine, so here are some views from 2006.
There were lots of entrances all around the mine.
The top floor had an enclosed slide that went down to the lower floor.
There was another slide and stairs that got you down to the basement “mine” level.
The mine level tried to duplicate what it would look like inside a typical hard rock mine.
Several figures showed the different jobs that the miners had underground.
The mine was definitely one of the most interesting parts of the park; I wish they could have kept it somehow. It is nothing more than a memory now though.
Pan For Gold
Nearby the mine they had an area where you could pan for gold. The roof of the pavilion still stands, but everything else from this operation is gone.
Log Flume
Even with all that, probably the most memorable part of the park is the log flume. Located all the way at the back, this was the only actual “ride” in this theme park. It was also an extra charge to ride.
Log flumes are a pretty standard theme park staple. A floating fiberglass log floats in a narrow channel of water. It is lifted up a hill, then slides down a waterfall at the other end. They are based on actual log flumes like the ones that used to operate in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the 1800s, which were a quick way to get chopped-down trees from a high elevation to a low one. I presume that link to Nevada history was how this ride ended up in the Great Basin Adventure. But they’re also a popular amusement park ride so it makes sense to have one.
After the park closed in 2010, the log ride was shuttered. The ride was expensive to operate and maintain, and was presumably a major factor in deciding it was too expensive to keep the park open.
In the years since the park closed, the weeds have been left to grow unchecked in the area around the log flume. The flume has sat dry, and dust and trash has collected in parts.
Where the landscaping used to be nice and sculpted, now there are dead trees and brown grass.
The wooden fences and the wood on the lift hill are all faded and cracking. The flume itself seems to be in decent shape, but there’s no telling if cracks have formed in the concrete that would prevent it from being filled with water again. Theoretically the ride could be fixed up and reopened, but with every year that goes by the cost of doing so rises. I doubt we’ll ever see the return of this ride. It will probably continue decaying until they come up with the funds to dismantle what’s left of it.
A couple of shots of the flume in its better days.
The flume is abandoned, but the queue building has been repurposed. Though it was closed the day I visited the park, I could peek inside and see that it has become kind of a museum for farm equipment.
Where once you would line up to board the boats, now you can look at vintage tractors and other farming equipment. It’s another good way to reuse one of the abandoned buildings of the park.
Last Thoughts
While Great Basin Adventure never matched up to the fun and excitement provided by something like Six Flags or other regional theme parks around the country, it was something nice and unique about Reno that could be a fun day with kids. Now it’s been lost, but it can still make for an interesting outing if you have an hour or two to kill. Having experienced it when it was open can make me appreciate visiting it now much more, since I know what was lost and what still remains. Even though so much is gone, the layout of the park still makes it unlike any other city park you can find in Northern Nevada. Exploring the rockwork and bridges and buildings that remain still provides a fun afternoon for my kids and me. It’s unlikely that Northern Nevada will ever get a true theme park, but we did, for a brief time, have a quirky unique one to call our own.
I have fond memories of accompanying my kids on school field trips to this adventure land. Thanks for sharing the fascinating then-and-now photos. (My, how your little guy has grown!) You’ve inspired me to go take another look around. I guess it’s just another Nevada ghost town now.
I have many fond memories of going there as a little kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s. My grandmother was a volunteer in the discovery room at the time. My husband and I sat and reminisced about the things we remember doing there when we were little and your photos helped us remember more. Thank you so much for posting. And we had no idea you could still go walk around! That’s something we are now going to go do. Thanks again!
I grew up on Arcane (the street that enters the West end of the park). I have fond memories of playing in the park in the early 80’s, and was definitely excited when the Great Basin Adventure opened; I think I was in middle school at the time.
Years later, I was able to take my own children there and ride all of the rides. The log flume was great fun, and my kids absolutely loved the slides that went into the mine. If I ever win the lottery, one of the first things I would do is set up a fund to bring back the Great Basin Adventure; this city desperately needs more family activities like it.
Used to go here all the time on field trips for summer school/camp in Lockwood in the mid-late 1990’s, I have vivid memories of trying to catch tadpoles and frogs in the pond around the park, and of that slide inside the mine. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Maybe someday they’ll restore it back to its former glory.
Awesome read although I am sad now, I loved going here as a kid. I haven’t been back and now I’m interested to go check it out.
Thanks so much for posting all this about the park. I went there literally hundreds of times growing up in the 90’s and have many fond memories of the park. The pictures took me back to my childhood, way cool
Thank you so much for creating this article so that Reno children of the late 80s and early 90s can enjoy the nostalgia of this magical place. I got emotional reading it and remembering all the wonderful times I had with my family and friends there.
I no longer live in Reno and was at the mining exhibit at the Nevada Museum yesterday. My visit to the museum triggered memories of the mine slide at this park, so I decided to search for it on the web. I remember they used to have a recording of miners working and yelling “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” as you slid down the big tunnel slides.
I’m heartbroken that this park is no longer in operation, but we are lucky that you were kind enough to share your photos with us. Maybe someday the city of Reno will bring it back to life for the next generations. This theme park and the rides at Idlewild were every Reno child’s local Disneyland. We had so much fun back then!
Thank you for this beautiful story and pictures. I worked and volunteered at the “GBA” as we use to call, it for many years. It was a beautiful treasure to the community.
I have wondered many times if more could have been done to preserve it. Our volunteer group considered protesting its closer but the county did not want to be in the amusement park business and it was expensive to maintain.
I supervised the park for a couple of summers and I had so many ideas to add to it:a frog hopper ride, paddle boats for the pond, cowboy campouts–where families could bring tents and have supervised campouts at the park–so many ideas that were always shot down. I said we need more advertising–“we need a giant billboard with a kid going down the water slide!!!” No one knows about this place we need to get the word out. But I always got the same answer “no.” The pricing was also a issue. I would say we need a day pass because no one can pay for log rides separately! They finally did get a day pass, but years after. The reasons were always “too expensive” and that there was an agreement when the park went in with the surrounding neighbors that they couldn’t add on because of noise. I was in my 20s then and so all my ideas were easily dismissed and my voice was just not load or bold enough to get through–or maybe they weren’t even realistic. I don’t even know!?
So heartbreaking…I think that because of the restrictions that were put on it as far as expansion and the inability of the county to be visionary or finance it, it was destined to fail. I guess those who experienced it or were apart of it in any way can just be grateful for the memories, I know I am! And your story is a perfect tribute to it!
I moved to Idaho 2 years ago so I no longer volunteer there but before I moved our volunteer group continued to open the Discovery Room, which is a hands on play room with in the park. Each summer we planned themed weeks and admission is free. We were funded only by donations. There’s still a wonderful group of volunteers who continue to open it each summer so stop in and say hi Wed-Fri. I think it’s still 10-1 but double check.
Change is part of life. My hope is that one day they can put in a splash pad or something that the county can maintain and will still offer a place for families to enjoy the beauty that is there. Again thank you for sharing this!!!
I found this article while searching for the old place. I worked there in the summer of ’88, my first real job. That was before the dino park and the log flume. It was actually very, very popular. The mine was about how you describe it. The gold mining was open on the weekends when a professional prospector – I forget his name now – would come down and demonstrate panning to people, bringing along his pets, a timber wolf and a coyote. The Discovery Center was, as I recall, a hands-on experience for younger children. The birthday pavilion could be rented out. There was a small pond near the petting zoo with an observation deck, but no ‘lake’. The pony rides were on contract, and the petting zoo had chickens, pigs (I remember one was named Oreo), sheep, goats (Ebony, Ivory, and I don’t remember the rest) (, a Brahma cow (Josie?), a calf named Turbo that we bottle fed a few times a day for the public, a mule (Jenny), and a few others that came and went.
I put in most of my time working the concessions stand at the entrance or working the petting zoo. For a 15-year-old kid it was a great first job. And in the summer in a time before the internet, in a town designed for adults, that place could be absolutely packed. I left Nevada in 2000, but I have many fond memories there.
I found your article while searching for the park that I had so many fond memories of with my children when we visited Reno. I was going to refer my friends who have a child to go visit it. I googled log flue and that is how I found it. Changes bring many positive opportunities but not this one. This unique park was mellow yet stimulating enough for children. They loved the log flume ride and the discovery museum and mine. Sad that it is no longer there. Thank you for posting the pictures and your article. I will share it with my now grown up children. Maybe the county will consider bringing it back and the things to do that made it unique to Reno.
I worked at this park for 2 years. I took care of the animals and worked in the concession stands and also manned the slide for running children and saftey. Took care of Sue the quarter horse and Josie the brahma bull. It was an amazing experience and it’s been a long to me now. I also worked for the person that did the pony rides across the interstate. What an amazing article and thank you.
Thank you for this beautiful walk back through time! Thank you for your narrative and your attention to detail. The “before and after” pictures are amazing and I really got a sense of the place. Can’t wait to visit with this historic park again with this perspective in mind!
Was looking up what made this park close. I have many memories of it growing up in Reno in the 90’s. Sad to hear it was budget reasons why all the attractions closed. Thanks for such a great article!
Thank you for this historical depiction of Great Basin Adventure Park. I had a number of my children’s birthday parties at this park. Lots for the kids to do and places to run! The slides were a favorite along with the pony rides, petting zoo, discovery room and log flume ride. I am glad Washoe County is trying to restore parts of it. I took my grandson and now adult son to the discovery room in 2013 and a long-time girlfriend was one of their faithful volunteers. I was saddened at the state of the park. She said they would water areas to try and keep it alive! You did an excellent job on this! Thanks again. ??
Hello everyone, I came across this article while at the park today reminiscing about the log flume ride, and I wanted to let everyone who might care know that they are currently accepting public feedback on how to develop the park and one of the suggestions they are considering is bringing back some of the old park attractions including the log ride! The website is
Please please please take a few minutes to help shape the future of Rancho San Rafael Park! Thank you!
Thank you for putting this together for us to reminisce. I went on many field trips there with my school in the 90’s and my mom would take us there too because she has always loved walking around the arboritum grounds. I actually couldn’t remember what the inside of the mine looked like, so your photos were very helpful!
I understand funding and liability issues, but the Reno community suffered a loss when this placed closed.
Las Vegas
I am a visitor, camping in Reno for a few months and discovered the park on google maps. I was reading a plaque of what was there and it mentioned the theme park. It didn’t appear to be in operation so I googled it and found this great article! It was very informative and the pictures are invaluable ! I loved reading all the feedback and it sounds like it had been a truly wonderful place!! I have lived in several states and have seen this type of parks close even though they are well attended and dearly loved. If Reno can bring this back it would be a giant step towards getting children and families a much needed alternative to video games. I would be remiss if didn’t also mention that the arboretum, museum, surrounding park, pavilions and pond and large off leash dog area are really nice!!
Thanks. These are really the only photos I can find that remind me of how it was. Now if I could just find Idlewild Park photos from the 1980s.
I miss the labyrinth and arboretum at Rancho San Rafael. If I still lived in the area, I would definitely go back; according to Google they are still there.