Carson City on the Web

Sarah, The Queen of Wanderlust, has a trip report and some photos from the Carson City Rendezvous on her blog.

Every year in the small town of Carson City there is a big festival that celebrates coming west, mountain men and the Civil war, all in one! It is basically a jamboree in the middle of a park. People dress up in antebellum costumes as well as mountain man attire. This event is called the Carson City Rendezvous and each year when it starts it seems as if it is the official kickoff of summer.

Also the Old-House Journal has an article about “Frontier Victorians in Carson City“, looking at the architecture of many of our old houses.

Carson City’s historic building stock runs the gamut from churches, schools, and other institutional buildings-such as the imposing Nevada State Capitol and the U.S. Mint (now the Nevada State Museum), which was constructed in 1864 to turn gold and silver from the fabled Comstock Lode into coins-through modest settlers’ homes, commodious Victorian mansards, and substantial Queen Anne houses.


  1. We Reno-ites often overlook what treasure chest of history our neighbor has. Sure ,it’s not Frisco, but Carson has a rich history!

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