WashoeValley.org Redesigned

After years of being built as one single page with an interminable list of news items stretching off to the horizon, WashoeValley.org has finally been redesigned. Now it’s sporting a snazzy new look, as well as running on WordPress. This is great news, because now not only does the site look better, but it also has RSS feeds, permalinks, and all the other accoutrements that make it easier to read and share. Congrats to Rick on a good job!

One comment

  1. Thanks for the plug, Scott. I just had to wait until the web caught up with my capabilities šŸ˜‰
    It’s really a blast to be able to update the site from anywhere and the RSS feed feature will be really handy for folks that utilize that.
    I’m still learning how to use the pages feature and I hope the site will not have an “interminable” list of pages stretching off into the horizon!
    Now that the site is setup I can go back to focusing on content for our Washoe Valley readers.


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