The Reno Gazette Journal today debunked the rumor that the Ormsby House is up for sale. The owner, Don Lehr, said “We’ve had no discussions with anybody about the purchase of the Ormsby House. We get inquiries, but we get inquiries on Jack’s Bar, too, and that is not for sale.”
As for the reason renovation is taking so long, we get all the usual excuses. Flooding in the basement, building codes, various unspecified setbacks, and “We made the mistake of not blowing the tower down.” I’ve heard it all before, and none of it is stopping them from having workers there every day. They say the pool was recently finished, some concrete was poured inside, and the escalators are due to go in next week. But for a project this size, if that’s all you got going, it’s not enough.
And so the march continues…
Thanks to Cheryl in the comments for the tip!