V&T Videos

There have been a lot of cool videos of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad showing up on YouTube lately, most of them the work of Jim Lohse of the Virginia Truckee Railroad Historical Society. You can find most of the videos listed under the usernames livingsteam, virginiatruckee, and renorailfan. Some of the movies are like this one, riding the train along the new tracks that have been laid to American Flat.

Or the five-part series, that starts here, showing Locomotive #29 coming out of the shop earlier this summer to pull its first passengers in six years.

Jim also runs several websites dedicated to V&T history, like www.livingsteam.com, www.comstockhistoricalsociety.com, www.renorailfans.com and www.trainarts.com. There is lots more information there, more videos, as well as DVDs you can buy. He’s doing a lot to bring the history of the V&T to the internet, a lot more than I’ve been able to accomplish so far. Maybe one day I’ll catch up.

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